Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Slubgob Correspondences: Letter I

My Dear Screwtape,
     Now that you have supped on the bounty of your nephew’s incompetence, you ought not think it improper to find yourself summarily demoted.  Do not think you are being punished for incompetence; but for the clandestine nature with which you attempted to advise your dear Wormwood. It must have occurred to you that such wisdom could have served our cause better had it been shared among the masses. Yet you chose to entrench yourself and your wretched apprentice at the expense of greater and nobler accomplishments…not to mention the unflattering language with which you demeaned my position in several correspondences. That’s right! We read every last one of those letters and Our Father Below knows the seeds of insurrection when he sees them.  Did you honestly think you would succeed?  
You are hereby sentenced to teach a class of a thousand Wormwoods.  We have reserved for you a lecture hall in the basement. Now don’t even consider using their failure for your own amusement. Any failure on their part will be regarded as a double failure on yours. The administration has built a rigid curriculum instructing this class of junior tempters on the art of sowing social unrest. You are to follow it to the letter.
You see, temptation of an individual is easy. It is succeeding in the long game which proves difficult. However, it is the opinion of our administration that such obstacles may be avoided by conditioning the mortals en masse to a point of universal moral indifference.  Once this indifference has settled firmly in the minds of those bipedal monstrosities, it is expected our foot soldiers will have greater success in navigating their subjects through the fog-ridden valleys to Our Father Below.
Your job is to teach this generation how to impact the human community in such a way as one blow is equal to ten.  You displayed great aptitude for this in your letters on sowing domestic strife. Now, we would like you to expand beyond the household to the street, beyond the street to the community, beyond the community to the nation, and beyond the nation to the world.
Now I know what you are thinking: that conflict does not necessarily bring about corruption and quite often brings about the opposite. While there is some logic to that, it must also be accepted that conflict more often than not clearly plays to our advantage – so long as it is meaningless. That was the principle error in our handling of the last World War. Since the very survival of civilization depended on its outcome, civilization – with the help of the Enemy – overcame. 
Our new strategy may seem somewhat inverted but we have every reason to believe it will work.  The new path is to personalize social unrest and encourage our human subjects to accept their discontent as an aspect of their identity rather than an external problem to be solved through time and dedication.  What we want here is inaction; or – if action must occur, that it be violent and devoid of meaning. This leads to others either taking the event personally or viewing it in such a trivial manner as to lament the “tragic loss of life” or “the poor souls” or (and this is my favorite) “I feel so sorry for the families.” 
We want humans to think this way while also viewing any commonsense preventative measures as ineffectual and therefore hopeless. We want superficial concern without the dedication and patience required to make any real difference. Such sentiments must never cross over into the realm of meaningful action. You may take comfort in knowing that any sincerity will be quite short-lived once you've reminded the beasts that they can always change the channel.

                                 Your Merciful Master,                                                    Slubgob

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